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Sunday, September 28, 2008


Adult males are often worried about the length or callibre of their penis.
They bother about the gratification of their own and their partners. " Will I be able to enjoy sex or satisfy her?" - the anxiety buried in this thought may really cause erection dysfunction or lead to early ejaculation. Stop worrying for some time and go through the following report :
  • This study was made with a prostitute lady and three male adults with different length and callibre of their penis.
  • They copulated on three separate days
  • Duration of intercourse noted and seen to be different for these three occasions
  • The lady reported of being completely gratified by all the three males

The study of vaginal sensitivity has revealed that the first two to three centemeter of the vagina is sensitive to sex and causes gratification.

Come on, be assured, give up anxiety. You have penis at least 6 centemeter long. Dont hang on vague medicines and spend your hard earned money.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


There're parents having had experienced the following awful stoy:
Their young child wakes up in the middle of night and cries like anything. She cant say a word or show her aching part. Nothing can soothe her. The parents are at a loss - who to call! Where to go! How can they find relief for their beloved!
If they can find medical help at that depth of night - OK.
If not, they are likely to see their child's ear watering in the morning and the pain gone.
That's the beginning of a damned nasty disease - chronic suppurative otitis media. The eardrum (tympanic membrane) of the affected ear gets perforated. Thin or thick nasty discharge dribbles out from the ear in almost every cold they catch. The perforation gets larger with time. Slowly hearing is diminished and lost at last.
How this awful event starts?
For a while we have to get to the anatomy of the ear. The ear has three parts: external, middle and internal. From the ear orifice to the drum is the external ear canal and beyond the drum is the middle ear. A narrow channel connects the nose to the middle ear and helps maintain the air pressure gradient between two sides of the ear drum. When this channel (Eustachian tube) gets blocked due to any reason, say common cold, fluid accumulates in the middle ear. This fluid creates pressure on the eardrum and the drum starts aching. that's why your child wakes up with aginizing pain.
only one or two drops of a decongestant nasal drop can save the child's ear or give you time to take her to a medical personnel in the morning.
Lay the child on your lap. Support her neck placing a hand behind it, tilt her head backwards and instill one drop of the decongestant in each nose. Held her in this position for ten minutes. This simple process will open up the blocked tube and drain the middle ear collection to relieve your kid's pain .
Dont forget to take her to a medical personnel for further help

Recommended  rading:
R. H. Schwartz, S. E. Stool, W. J. Rodriguez, and K. M. Grundfast
Acute Otitis Media: Toward a More Precise Definition
Clinical Pediatrics, September 1, 1981; 20(9): 549 - 554.
R. H. Schwartz, S. E. Stool, W. J. Rodriguez, and K. M. Grundfast
Acute Otitis Media: Toward a More Precise Definition
Clinical Pediatrics, September 1, 1981; 20(9): 549 - 554.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Human Resisitance is In Danger

How TB dupes the immune system: study from

Scientists have figured out how tuberculosis tricks the immune system, a discovery that could lead to new anti-TB drugs, according to a study published Sunday. In experiments with mice, they identified a key mechanism whereby TB bacteria provoke a form of death in host cells that enables the infection to spread through the lungs, they reported.


Monday, September 8, 2008

My Awful story

Coming to the disease causation, it's clear that anybody with sound defense seldom falls ill.

Here's my own story. In 1976, my family was down with typhoid fever. Out of 11 members, only two, my big brother and little sister were exempt. They were all along with us, sharing the same food and household. How come ?

From my native village I moved to Kolkata ( Calcutta ) in 1977 for higher studies. There I caught malaria for the first time in my life. I received chloroquine in appropriate doses from a qualified medical personnel. This drug left me afebrile ( without fever ) and exhausted too. After A few weeks malaria relapsed and I had another course of chloroquine with similar result.

This cycle went on for 3 to 4 episodes. My physician then prescribed me primaquine to eliminate the parasites from my liver. This drug kept me free from malaria for a few months, but alas, for a few months only.

A few weeks before my medical entrance examination I was down with malaria again, and a course of that damned chloroquine also. This time fever would come every alternate day around 12-00 pm with chill, thirst, restlessness and fear of death. Paracetamol helped me take the exam.

After my exam was over, my big brother, an aminent professor of English literature and a loyal follower of homeopathy too, gave me a single dose of Arsenic 1000 on my fever free day. Surprising, fever came on that very day, at 5-00 in the evening, instead of at 12-00 pm and stayed for a much shorter period. That was the last spell of malaria fever in my life.......

.. in spite of living in very much malaria prone areas of Calcutta at different times. This reminds me the funny story of that old man whose garden fence had a breach and cattle would come in through that broken wall. The old man usd to cry for help and someone from his neighbours would rush in  and shoo the cattle out. This continued for quite a long time until a kind and wise man repaired the wall for him. thereafter no cattle could tresspass and the old man got his peace back.

Doctors call for antibiotics to treat our disease. Antibiotics shoo the bacteria away and make us well, but alas! For the time being only. They cannot repair our 'broken wall'.
Our deficiency in defense remains the same or even worsens. Only vaccins can strengthen our defense, but they have not been developed for every agent causing disease, and it seems impractical to vaccinate a persom against thousands of bacteria, viruses, parasites and other non-organic disease agents.
What is thr way out, then ?Dealing with thousands of helpless patients, who are even too poor to afford for the newer and costly antibiotics, this question haunts me, makes me ponder and ponder.
You too ponder for some time until I'm back with the next post.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Blog Carnival Index - browse the archives
These are tips specifically for new bloggers, those people who have next-to-no audience at the moment and want to get the ball rolling. It helps if you work on this list from top to bottom as each technique builds on the previous step to help you create momentum. Eventually once you establish enough momentum you gain what is called "traction", which is a large enough audience base (about 500 readers a day is good) that you no longer have to work too hard on finding new readers. Instead your current loyal readers do the work for you through word of mouth.Top 10 Tips
10. Write at least five major "pillar" articles. A pillar article is usually a tutorial style article aimed to teach your audience something. Generally they are longer than 500 words and have lots of very practical tips or advice. This article you are currently reading could be considered a pillar article since it is very practical and a good "how-to" lesson. This style of article has long term appeal, stays current (it isn''t news or time dependent) and offers real value and insight. The more pillars you have on your blog the better.
9. Write one new blog post per day minimum. Not every post has to be a pillar, but you should work on getting those five pillars done at the same time as you keep your blog fresh with a daily news or short article style post. The important thing here is to demonstrate to first time visitors that your blog is updated all the time so they feel that if they come back tomorrow they will likely find something new. This causes them to bookmark your site or subscribe to your blog feed. You don''t have to produce one post per day all the time but it is important you do when your blog is brand new. Once you get traction you still need to keep the fresh content coming but your loyal audience will be more forgiving if you slow down to a few per week instead. The first few months are critical so the more content you can produce at this time the better.
8. Use a proper domain name. If you are serious about blogging be serious about what you call your blog. In order for people to easily spread the word about your blog you need an easily rememberable domain name. People often talk about blogs they like when they are speaking to friends in the real world (that''s the offline world, you remember that place right?) so you need to make it easy for them to spread the word and pass on your URL. Try and get a .com if you can and focus on small easy to remember domains rather than worry about having the correct keywords (of course if you can get great keywords and easy to remember then you''ve done a good job!).
7. Start commenting on other blogs. Once you have your pillar articles and your daily fresh smaller articles your blog is ready to be exposed to the world. One of the best ways to find the right type of reader for your blog is to comment on other people''s blogs. You should aim to comment on blogs focused on a similar niche topic to yours since the readers there will be more likely to be interested in your blog. Most blog commenting systems allow you to have your name/title linked to your blog when you leave a comment. This is how people find your blog. If you are a prolific commentor and always have something valuable to say then people will be interested to read more of your work and hence click through to visit your blog.
6. Trackback and link to other blogs in your blog posts. A trackback is sort of like a blog conversation. When you write a new article to your blog and it links or references another blogger''s article you can do a trackback to their entry. What this does is leave a truncated summary of your blog post on their blog entry - it''s sort of like your blog telling someone else''s blog that you wrote an article mentioning them. Trackbacks often appear like comments. This is a good technique because like leaving comments a trackback leaves a link from another blog back to yours for readers to follow, but it also does something very important - it gets the attention of another blogger. The other blogger will come and read your post eager to see what you wrote about them. They may then become a loyal reader of yours or at least monitor you and if you are lucky some time down the road they may do a post linking to your blog bringing in more new readers.
5. Encourage comments on your own blog. One of the most powerful ways to convince someone to become a loyal reader is to show there are other loyal readers already following your work. If they see people commenting on your blog then they infer that your content must be good since you have readers so they should stick around and see what all the fuss is about. To encourage comments you can simply pose a question in a blog post. Be sure to always respond to comments as well so you can keep the conversation going.
4. Submit your latest pillar article to a blog carnival. A blog carnival is a post in a blog that summarizes a collection of articles from many different blogs on a specific topic. The idea is to collect some of the best content on a topic in a given week. Often many other blogs link back to a carnival host and as such the people that have articles featured in the carnival enjoy a spike in new readers. To find the right blog carnival for your blog, do a search at
3. Submit your blog to To be honest this tip is not going to bring in a flood of new readers but it''s so easy to do and only takes five minutes so it''s worth the effort. Go to Blog Top Sites, find the appropriate category for your blog and submit it. You have to copy and paste a couple of lines of code on to your blog so you can rank and then sit back and watch the traffic come in. You will probably only get 1-10 incoming readers per day with this technique but over time it can build up as you climb the rankings. It all helps!
2. Submit your articles to This is another tip that doesn''t bring in hundreds of new visitors immediately (although it can if you keep doing it) but it''s worthwhile because you simply leverage what you already have - your pillar articles. Once a week or so take one of your pillar articles and submit it to Ezine Articles. Your article then becomes available to other people who can republish your article on their website or in their newsletter. How you benefit is through what is called your "Resource Box". You create your own resource box which is like a signature file where you include one to two sentences and link back to your website (or blog in this case). Anyone who publishes your article has to include your resource box so you get incoming links. If someone with a large newsletter publishes your article you can get a lot of new readers at once.
1. Write more pillar articles. Everything you do above will help you to find blog readers however all of the techniques I''ve listed only work when you have strong pillars in place. Without them if you do everything above you may bring in readers but they won''t stay or bother to come back. Aim for one solid pillar article per week and by the end of the year you will have a database of over 50 fantastic feature articles that will work hard for you to bring in more and more readers. This article was by Yaro Starak, a professional blogger and my blog mentor. He is the leader of the Blog Mastermind mentoring program designed to teach bloggers how to earn a full time income blogging part time.To get more information about Blog Mastermind click this link:


Disease is the altered state of health.

We all live in the environment which influences our body system. In optimum condition of the environment we should enjoy good health. Sometimes there exist external agents which are believed to cause disease.

Let's consider a triangle. At its three summits three factors lie, namely:
  • Host = The organism / human being
  • Agent = disease provoking / causing factor
  • Environment
State of the hosts health is the equillibrium of these three factors. In optimum environment host's defense is of prime importance. Unless Agent is too strong for any quality of host defense where no organism can live, it is the host resistance which will determine the state of health.

When our body resistance is defeated by the strength of the disease agent then ensues break down of health. As stated earlier,  Disease is the altered state of health. No disease can exist without a living body.  Bacteria can be grown in the lab, not the disease.

It's the weak host defense which is responsible for causation of disease.  Role of the bacteria is secondary.

Amazed ?
Ok. come on.  Let's think of a winter evening and a few friends gossiping on a football ground after play. Foggy weather. Next morning one or two of the guys catch cold and contract flu,  the rest keeping completely normal. How come ?
The environment and the agent remaining the same for all of them, why should some fall ill ?

It's their weak defense, nothing else.

If only we could raise a man's defense, as we do in case of vaccination, disease would have never existed.

But antibiotics never raise our defense, rather they help lower it. They only kill the bacteris for us, only for the time being. If you always walk a weak person, never she tries to walk herself, what's going to happen to her strength ? Just imagine.

It's the case with us too. With our defense.
Besides the recognized side effects ranging from trivial bowel disorder to fatal bone marrow depression, the unnavigated realm of antibiotic effects do exist and waiting to be explored.
I'm going to tell my own story, happened to me before I entered medical college. Just hang on for the next post.
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